LOTUS STILL-LIFE, NYC, NY, Brescia, IT, and Newport, RI
From E.A. KAHANE: "Taking still life images has long been a passion of mine. The Lotus Still Life series are pond flowers from my Japanese garden shot in 2017. The setting is within an Arts & Crafts interior. The Japanese ceramic vases, with silver inlay, sit on top of an Antique American Wicker table with a copper top. The reflection of the copper gives the image a dreamy feeling. The floral portrait was created for the summer season in Newport, RI." These photographs were part of an exhibition titled, "Flower Power" on view at Jessica Hagen Fine Art, Summer 2021. Currently the artist is using the floral images to make lush, decorative rugs.
Contact to inquire about acquiring a photograph. ©EAKAHANE
Contact to inquire about acquiring a photograph. ©EAKAHANE